Ventilations have a great influence on both the appearance and durability of your hair replacement system. Knowing something about ventilation and how the hair is attached may help you get a better-looking hair system.
The most popular types of ventilation are knotting, injection, V-looping.
Knotting Ventilation
Knotting ventilation is the most common type which is used in the lace hair system, but it is most common in lace hair system. The hair is tied around the mesh material in very tiny knots are usually available in four different sizes: double knots, single knots, and half knots.
Double knot is the most durable knot, but it is not the most natural-looking. Since the knots are knotted twice with a few hairs, those little pesky dots at the bottom of the base are really apparent. This knot is ideal for a very thick hair system density with lots of and height. The bigger hair knots usually make it difficult to lay the hair down flat, thus the hairstyle should be fuller.

Single knot is the easiest to lay flat and is best for a freestyle hair pattern. Typically, lace bases will have this knot used for the temple and side areas of the scalp. This allows for that natural look without having big pesky black dots at the roots. While also providing that durability and volume at the temple and side areas of the system.

Half knot is the smallest and the most undetectable hair knot. The half knot is smaller than a singer knot and can also be used in a slick back hairstyle.
Bleach knot is a method or technique which takes out most of the color leaving a virtually invisible hair knot. This method helps minimize the look of those pesky little dots at the roots by bleaching the base of the system lighter. Bleach knot provides a more natural-looking. However, bleaching can weaken the hair knot which reduces its lifespan.

Injection Ventilation
It is the most common method in the thick poly hair system. We put the base on a mold and use a special needle to inject the hair into the base. And then we flip the base over and clip off the extra hair which is on that side. Finally, we fix the hair with a thin layer of glue. The best part is that there is no hair return which can avoid tangles.
There are two main types of injection ventilation: flat and lift ventilation.
The flat injection is an injection of the hair into the base at an acute angle, which causes the hair to naturally fall to one side but not to be combed freely.

The lift injection is an injection of the hair into the base at a right angle, which leave the hair perpendicular to the base so that you can comb it in any direction.

V-looping Ventilation
It’s not exactly a knot, it’s kind of like an injection. The hair is injected into the skin and then out again, which means the hair is sewn almost in a V or U shape to the roots. This will cause the hair to return with looping and is not as durable as injections. However, with this method, the poly layer can be much thinner, the thinner the PU, the more natural the hairline will look!